Top 12 Solo Travel Safety Tips in Nigeria: How to Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Journey

Solo traveler in Nigeria following safety tips, planning route, staying vigilant, and traveling during the day for a secure journey.
A solo tour view at a city in Anambra State, Nigeria

Do you consider solo travel within the Nigerian states; North or South? East or to the West? We’ve got you covered on the travel Tips to enjoy your your trips with maximum comfort and safety.

Traveling alone across Nigerian states, whether for business, family visits, special occasions, emergencies, or education, can offer a mix of enriching and challenging experiences. Your journey’s outcome largely depends on how well you plan, prepare, and manage yourself before and during the trip.

More often than not, we assume that the only preparation we need is merely packing our clothing and other basic items into our traveling bag. However, ensuring a safe and fulfilling travel experience requires much more than that. Prioritizing your safety, comfort and convenience is crucial.

Safety should always be a priority when we are traveling, as well as our comfort, convenience and fulfillment.

Here are tips that’ll help you achieve the best solo travel experience in Nigeria:

1: Plan your route.

Before your trip, research and know the safest and most reliable route before your trip. Also ensure to travel with a known, registered transport company.

2: Travel during the day.

The rate of insecurity in some parts of the country is alarming. During travels, to stay on the safer side, travel during the Day. This will help reduce risk of accident and crime, enhancing your safety.

3: Ensure your vehicle is in top condition

If driving by yourself, ensure your vehicle is in good condition and has been serviced recently, to avoid stories that touches the heart. This will help you avoid unexpected breakdown or delays.

4: Keep Loved Ones Informed

Inform your family, a relative or someone you trust.
Share your travel details with a trusted family member or friend.. Keep them updated on your progress during and throughout the travel to ensure someone knows your whereabouts.

5: Keep your valuables safely.

Keep your belongings close and secure. Avoid leaving them unattended or placing them in vulnerable spots where they can be lost or stolen.

6: Be vigilant

Stay wide-eyed vigilant of your environment, be aware of people within and around you and stay informed on what’s Happening around you.
Don’t just be carried away with phone pressing or movies.

7: Have a means of identification.

Try to have any means of identification with you…ID card, drivers license, or any other recognized documents on you.

8: Stay connected

Fully charge your phone before the journey and have a backup plan for communication in case of network issues.
If possible, carry a power bank (especially if you’re traveling far) so you won’t be stranded. This ensures you can stay connected even if you face network issues.

9: Learn the local laws and customs.

Try as much as possible to familiarize yourself with the laws and customs guiding the particular state or region you’re traveling to/within, and ensure to keep to them. Adhering to local rules will help you avoid unnecessary trouble.

9: Trust your instincts.

If something or someone makes you uncomfortable, trust your instincts enough to take appropriate actions with wisdom.
More often than not, our gut feeling is often our best guide in uncertain situations.

10: Avoid problems.

Avoid quarrels or fights or unnecessary arguments. People have different opinions and understanding and ways of living or handling situations, that, is life. Respecting these differences can prevent conflicts.

11: Avoid eating what will make you uncomfortable or purge.

If possible, eat before traveling, drink enough water.
If you must buy what to eat on the road, ensure it’s not something that will upset your stomach.

If you’re one of those that have what’s called “motor sickness” (vomiting and having intense headache while on transit) you can do well to find what works for you in eradicating that situation before embarking on a travel.

12: Be productive.

If you’re traveling via public transport, you can do well to maximize the time you will be on transit, by maybe working (if you work remotely or have an online business), reading a book, or watching an educational video or movie. You can also read our great article on mindful meditation while on transit.

By following these solo travel safety tips, you can ensure a risk-free, secure and enjoyable travel experience across Nigeria. Prioritize your safety, stay informed and make the most of your adventure. SAFE TRAVELS

Enjoy your trip in Nigeria ✌️

Cynthia Chinasa

Cynthia Chinasa, Also known as The Reformer, is a personal development strategist and a Spoken Word Artist. She's a competent personal development strategist that has a passion and holds an expertise in helping individuals discover purpose, gain clarity and reach their fullest potential. As a spoken word artist, she inspires, educates, entertains and motivates her audience with her artistic prowess. She's the author of be more with less, a book targeted at helping young persons navigate purpose and passion discovery, and helping them turn their passion into streams of income. She's the convener of Elevate Conference, an annual conference targeted at empowering and Impacting individuals to competently dominate the global space.

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