Overcome Self-Doubt: Unlock Personal Growth With Powerful Strategies

Overcome self-doubt: unlock personal growth with powerful strategies

Most people find it very difficult to overcome self-doubt during various stages of their life. It can be a significant barrier to personal and professional success. It often creeps in quietly, eroding our confidence and preventing us from seizing opportunities. In this article, I share my personal journey of overcoming self-doubt, providing insights and 100% practical strategies that helped me build a stronger sense of self-belief. My experience might resonate with you and offer valuable lessons in navigating your own self-doubt.

When I started out my journey in the creativity and digital space about 4 years ago…it was a real struggle.

You know the way that you’re seeing other people…both those older than you, those your age, and those you’re older than, everyone is doing exploits, thriving, getting results and seems to be moving on a very fast pace. But you’re there, unable to do do something as simple as thinking critically, or writing a content, or even add your quota to a conversation.

How would you feel?

Well, for me, I felt I was not smart. Not brilliant. Not intelligent. Not creative. I felt I couldn’t even get anything right.

How can I be struggling with what others are doing with a snap of the finger? It can only be because of one reason, I told myself, “they’re smarter and more brilliant than me”.

This happened for months. I kept doubting and doubting my abilities. I kept doubting that I have something good within me. I kept doubting that I have potentials. I kept doubting that I also have creative and innovative abilities. I kept doubting that they’re all within me….I JUST NEEDED TO IGNITE THEM!

Few times when I tried to step into the light of believing in my strengths, potentials and innate abilities, I found myself going back to those doubts again.

Not until everything changed in December of 2022.
I came across an article that shared many steps on how a person can beat self-doubt to death. I took the challenge up. Of course, it wasn’t easy, but so far it’s worth it…. because the opposite of self-doubt has given me all the results that self-doubt could, and would never give me.

I’m going to share with you strategies that worked for me. Let’s dive into these strategies.

Effective Practical Steps To Overcome Self-Doubt

To begin with, to overcome self-doubt is a gradual process. It’s not an overnight deal. It’s not a journey you start today and expect to reach your destination today…. No, Give it time. Follow it but bit by bit. Keep being consistent… it’s like drops of water, one day, it’ll turn to an ocean.

Here we go:

1. Acknowledge that you have self-doubt.
You really can’t fight it if you haven’t accepted that self-doubt is there in the first place. It’s okay to feel or experience this… because heck, we’re humans!

So acknowledge and accept that fact that it’s there.

2. Find the source of the self-doubt.
Now, you have to really assess yourself, your feelings, and find out what caused you to start doubting yourself.

Why? How? What’s the root?
Take your time and find it. Very important.

3. Challenge that source. Challenge negative thoughts.
You have to come to a point where you understand that no one is better than you.

If someone has a better result than you, it does not mean that they’re better than you on the real sense, it just means that they’re better at the work they did. If you have the right information and put in much effort as they did, you can get same (or better result) than they did.

No one is better than you. God gave us all gifts, potential and made us all unique in our different ways. Find your own uniqueness, develop and deploy it and use it to bless the world.

Challenge that negative thoughts in your head saying negative stuffs to you. It’s a just in your brain. It’s not real. Counter it. You can as well read more on self development to improve your self positivism.

4. Don’t compare.
Never you compare yourself, your journey, your story, etc, to that of another.

No matter how similar their story might be to yours, never compare. You’re totally different and can NEVER be the same with them.

Your path, destiny, journey, in fact your everything is different. You’re just perfect how your creator made you. You’re complete and okay. Don’t compare yourself to another person, their life or their journey.

5. Build competence.
There’s a level of competence you’ll get to in your craft, and you’ll have nothing to do with self-doubt.

Build. Build. Keep building until you’ve mastered your art and craft.

Be so good at whatever your hands finds to do. Ensure your inner man can testify that yes, you are really good.

Then you have no point of doubting yourself or your abilities.

6. Celebrate your successes and victories. We often tend to pay more attention to the bad and negative things that have happened to us. This is more than the good and positive things. It is one of the reasons why our brain keeps screaming that we’re dullards and failures.

Count your blessings, your successes, your victories, place them before you and celebrate yourself.

You’re doing well. You’re trying.
C’mon be proud of yourself.

It’s not easy to be you. So celebrate yourself.

These are some of the strategies that I implemented and they helped me overcome this demon called self-doubt. Diligently and consistently follow this strategies and you’ll definitely overcome self-doubt.

You can win too. You can overcome.

I’m rooting for you!

Cynthia Chinasa

Cynthia Chinasa, Also known as The Reformer, is a personal development strategist and a Spoken Word Artist. She's a competent personal development strategist that has a passion and holds an expertise in helping individuals discover purpose, gain clarity and reach their fullest potential. As a spoken word artist, she inspires, educates, entertains and motivates her audience with her artistic prowess. She's the author of be more with less, a book targeted at helping young persons navigate purpose and passion discovery, and helping them turn their passion into streams of income. She's the convener of Elevate Conference, an annual conference targeted at empowering and Impacting individuals to competently dominate the global space.

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