Effective Meditation Techniques for Stress Reduction and Focus Improvement

Mindfulness For Beginners: How To Start a Meditation Practice for Reduced Stress and Improved Focus

“Hey, it’s time to pause for a moment and be calm, away from the lousy and busy world!
It’s time to take permission to pause, breathe, and reset!”
And that’s what mindfulness and meditation is all about.

The benefits attached to meditation;

Without mincing words, it can help lower stress levels.
By releasing physical tension held in the body, meditation can help us release worries buried in the mind. This eases anxiety, stress, and low mood. It can even help you get deeper, more restful, and sound sleep.
Meditation can also bring a sense of calm. This enables us to respond to life events in a measured way rather than reacting with our emotions. You tend to be more logical in your approaches.
For the best results, try to build regular meditation into your daily routine. It is one of the best forms of exercise.

How to achieve good meditation

1. Set aside some time specifically for the purpose.
We all know it can be hard to find a good time. Meditation works best with regular sessions. There is no laid-down rule about how long a meditation session should last. A good guide is 20 to 30 minutes.
It can be useful to meditate at the start of the day. This sets you up well for what’s ahead. Meditating in the evening helps you let go of tension before bed. So when you wake up and before you retire to bed is the best timing.
2. Find a routine that will work for you.
Find a comfortable place.
You do not need any special equipment to achieve your aim, just somewhere to sit that is comfortable and warm. Away from the noise outside.
You might want to sit cross-legged on the floor. In this case, a yoga mat can be useful. A towel or rug also works fine. Some people sit in a chair or on their bed. It all depends on what works well for you.
Two things are important: that you are comfortable and can be upright. Sitting with good posture is a more positive position for your body than slumping. Some people find a meditation cushion can help with this.
If you are on a chair or bed, make sure it provides support. This ensures you do not sink down into it.
Bring mindfulness into meditation.
Once you’re comfortable, close your eyes and then focus on each of your other senses.
Notice what the carpet, mat, or duvet feels like beneath you. What can you hear? What can you smell? Is there any particular taste in your mouth?
By doing this, you might feel more connected with your body. You might feel less concerned with the thoughts whirring in your head.
Start your meditation.
When you’re comfortable and centered, you can start your meditating journey.
With your eyes closed, simply breathe in while saying “breathe in” in your head as you do. Then breathe out and say “breathe out.”.
For the next 20 minutes or so, focus on this circular breath. Repeat the simple words in your head as much as possible.
The challenge of focusing the mind
A wandering mind is a natural part of meditation practice. It’s important to remember this. It’s not a failure, just part of learning. Even people with lots of experience of meditating will still have wandering minds sometimes.
The challenge is to notice when we get distracted by a thought. We must consciously bring our minds back to focus on the breath.
When you first start to meditate and your mind wanders, simply congratulate yourself for noticing.
You then have the opportunity to shift your focus back to your breath.
Bring your meditation to a close.
It’s important not to finish meditating too suddenly. That’s why it’s best to create time for it when you’re not distracted.
When you feel it’s time to end, stop repeating the words and focusing on the breath. Stay in the same position with your eyes closed for a couple more minutes.
Once you feel ready, gently open your eyes. Stay seated for a little longer before getting up.
Ending a meditation like this gives you a calm transition into the next part of your day.

To effectively meditate, it is important to acknowledge and redirect wandering thoughts. When you decide to conclude your meditation session, it is recommended to do so gradually. Instead of abruptly stopping, take a few extra minutes to keep your eyes closed and maintain your seated position. This transition enables a peaceful shift into your upcoming activities. For more information and a beginner’s guide to mindfulness, please refer to our article here for beginners guide to mindfulness.

Let us know if this is helpful, Good Luck!

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