Digital Detox: How to Recharge and Find Balance Offline

Digital Detox: How to Recharge and Find Balance Offline

Have you ever heard about a digital detox? I bet yes or no, you’re more focused on your smartphone or computer.
A digital detox, otherwise known as a tech detox, is a decision to intentionally limit or eliminate the use of digital devices and technology like smartphones, computers, tablets, and social media platforms.
The goal and purpose of a digital detox is to take a break or maybe a long pause from constant connectivity and screen time to recharge, focus on real-world commitments, and regain a sense of balance in life and other activities offline.

What are the benefits of a digital detox?

It’s no story that our modern world is structured around staying connected via digital devices, and almost everyone in this present era has access to the Internet. The subtle reliance we have on this technology has made it difficult for many of us to go even a few seconds without using a phone, tablet, or computer.
Depending on what your goals are, a digital detox can have a massive impact on your life, keeping you disciplined and focused.

If you’re unsure of what time away from technology can do for you, have a look below:

Rethink your relationship with technology:

A temporary detox can help you evaluate your relationship with certain apps, social media, and your usage patterns, giving you a healthier perspective and outlook when you return back to the app, refueled and refilled.
Time away from social media:
Social media can be an unconscious source of anxiety and stress. The expectation to appear a certain way and the fear of missing out can all contribute to an unhealthy relationship with your phone.
These social media platforms are designed to keep you coming back, so time away is a good way to evaluate and reset your relationship with them. Making sure you are demigod over them, able to subdue the temptation and urge.
Reduced stress and anxiety:
Whether it’s monitoring work emails late into the evening or constantly checking your social media platforms, to checking if your crush has replied to your message, time away from technology can help reduce stress in our personal and professional lives. Most especially helping you to build self-discipline.
Better sleep:
Your brain encourages the production of a chemical called melatonin when it’s tired. The bright light behind your mobile phone screen keeps the brain alert, decreasing levels of this chemical and making it harder for you to fall asleep or enjoy a sound sleep at least.
More time for self-care:
Self-care is anything that you find makes you feel good or that recharges you. Well, self-care differs from person to person.
Great examples of self-care include taking a bath, watching a favorite TV show, exercising, or even taking a nap. Taking your time off from screen light increase your chances of taking care of yourself both mentally, emotionally and physically.

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